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Back Country Server

  • Name: RGC Back Country Public
  • Pass: Contact Admin
  • Mods: Download

Rauris Valley Server

  • Name: RGC Rauris Valley RP
  • Pass: RGC
  • Mods: Download

Server Info and Rules

To all our intrepid adventurers eager to embark on our server: Reach out to one of our dedicated Server Admins to unlock the secrets of our dynamic world. Our server is teeming with progress, and we're excited to keep you in the loop about the latest developments. Discover what's possible and what's not as you dive into an unforgettable gaming journey!

These rules have been carefully crafted to ensure a level playing field for all participants while also mitigating any adverse performance effects on the server caused by excessive machinery, placeables, and other in-game elements. Our goal is to create a fair and optimal gaming environment for everyone.

We understand that these guidelines may seem restrictive at first glance, but they are essential for ensuring the best possible gaming experience on our public server. We kindly request that all players adhere to these rules and guidelines. Rest assured, exceptions can be granted with the approval of a Server Admin to accommodate special circumstances.

Server Rules and Guidelines:

1. Exclusive RGC Server Use: Mods are intended for use solely on RGC servers. Please refrain from sharing them with friends or uploading them to other mod sites.

2. Maintain a Tidy Farm: Keep your farm in order by parking vehicles appropriately and avoid leaving them scattered around, including the store area. This ensures a smooth experience for everyone.

3. Clean Up Logs and Stumps: Before leaving the server, clear away any logs and stumps. This simple act prevents lag for other players when they join the game.

4.Use All Purchased Pallets: Whenever you purchase seed, lime, or fertilizer pallets, make sure to use them to their full potential. This helps prevent server lag. Alternatively, consider investing in the universal silo placeable.

5. Manage Your Bales: Keep bales organized by either storing them in the barn or selling them if they're not fermenting. This helps maintain server performance.

6. Farm Activity: Farm owners' properties will be cleared after a two-week period of inactivity. If you plan to be away for an extended period, please inform a @Server Admin.

7. Completion of Trial Period: Before taking ownership of a farm, ensure that you've completed the trial period. Dedication and commitment to the RGC server can yield rewarding results.

8. Respect and Fun: Lastly, remember to have a great time and show respect to your fellow players. These rules may be updated at any time, and announcements will be made for any changes.
Enjoy your time on our server!

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